Sunday, November 27, 2011

Closing in on 90 Days....

"It's not about the destination. It's about the journey." - Dale King

It's nearly 90 days into my lifestyle change doing the paleo diet and I couldn't help but think about how much he's right now. When I first started my challenge all I could think about was being a certain weight, losing so many pounds.

Nearly 90 days later and it's become a totally different view on things. I find myself caring less about what my weight is, how many pounds I've lost or what my body fat percentage is. I mean sure those are all great things but the thoughts of just enjoying life, lifting weights, smiling, laughing more, and sharing moments with family and some kick ass people are what it has become now.

90 days ago I didn't know the first person when I went to the gym other than Dale, but even that was just by a few emails we exchanged. Fast forward to today and I find myself with people who I call friends, go out to dinner with, game it up with via Xbox, and really miss when I can't get to the gym. I'm forever grateful for that.

I'm glad I know now what Dale meant that day when he said what he did. It truly is the BIGGER picture. So, I don't plan to get on the scales again to see what my weight is. I'm going to do just what he said. I mean I ultimately know my destination, we all do if you think about it.

So in my journey I plan to continue eating healthy, working out, meeting new people, doing as much with family as I can, and seeing where the road takes me. My only hope is I can do it for a long time. Thanks Dale for reminding me that it's far more about those things than the numbers on the scale....

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