"To Paleo Or Not To Paleo?"
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So recently I've been following the Facebook world and I've noticed more and more people at PSKC are starting their Paleo Challenge. First let me say, Congratulations! Making the decision to join PSKC is a big step, but making the choice to start a paleo lifestyle is a giant one! Second, I've also noticed people starting to sound like Robb Wolf's arch nemesis Lysa. For those of you who have read "The Paleo Solution" you'll get the joke. Guys and gals this isn't hard, it's not rocket science. So sit back, kick your feet up and in my own words, key point there, I'm going to offer you some advice ....Basically I'm going to give you the skinny on what I do and what I don't do. I hope I can keep this interesting and make you laugh along the way too. So here we go.... Also my grammar sucks. You have been warned!
So what is the Paleo Diet? Screw it, I'll save the bullshit dictionary answer and give you my personal opinion because it's my blog, these are my thoughts and that's all that really matters right?! I'm just kidding! Here's the definition of the paleo diet according to Wikipedia:
The modern dietary regimen known as the Paleolithic diet (abbreviated paleo diet or paleodiet), also popularly referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet and hunter-gatherer diet, is a nutritional plan based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals that various hominid species habitually consumed during the Paleolithic era—a period of about 2.5 million years duration that ended around 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture. In common usage, such terms as the "Paleolithic diet" also refer to the actual ancestral human diet.[1][2] Centered on commonly available modern foods, the "contemporary" Paleolithic diet consists mainly of grass-fed pasture raised meats, fish, vegetables, fruit, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, and processed oils.[1][3][4]
Have I lost you? I nearly lost myself reading all that garbage. So besides 2.5 million years ago the Paleo Diet was first really introduced in the mid 1970's by Gastroenterologist Walter L. Voegtlin. Holy crap! A gastroenterologist living the paleo lifestyle? Are you kidding me? No way man I wouldn't kid, this dude started it all way back when and it worked then and still works today. Funny how a guy who knows the ends and outs, no pun intended, of the bodies digestive system supported this kind of eating? Kind of got you thinking now doesn't it? I wonder if it's because Paleo works that it doesn't get promoted very much? Okay I've got to stop it right there before I get on my rant about the conspiracy that food companies and the FDA have and how they control what the public should and shouldn't know. You'd be here all damn day reading this if I started that crap and neither you or I have the time for that. On to the point man!! Alright, alright, I'm going!
Paleo doesn't have to be hard guys and gals. It really doesn't and just to prove it doesn't below is a picture of what you can and can't eat. Believe me a 5 year old could look at this and know what they can and can't eat and I know this because I have a 5 year old who has looked at it and said that.
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Paleo Pyramid |
See how easy that is? So now I hope you're sitting there to yourself saying, "Man this is easy now" and not saying, "I still don't get it what do I eat?!" For those of you who get it, good. For those of you who don't keep reading and I'll tell you exactly what I do. Again, this is what I do and my opinion only.
So first off I don't do any dairy. Now you're already saying, "But I love milk and ice cream dude!! What am I going to do!" Well for one you can drink coconut milk. As far as ice cream goes you probably shouldn't be eating it, but if you go to Kroger in the Organic Section or the "Stuff priced way to high because it's good for you and we know you idiots will buy it section" as I refer to it, in the freezers they have ice cream that is made from coconut milk and covered in good quality chocolate that's good for you. They're pretty good and come in handy when you need that sweet tooth filed. Also no dairy means no dairy, however I do use the organic unsalted butter because it doesn't have all the processed crap in it. I know, I could use big words about what's in it but most people like simple so I'm going to keep it that way and refer to it as crap. This is the only dairy I do. So we got the dairy and sweets covered. On to breakfast.
"But Grizz I have to have breakfast food!" Seriously? Food is food people. I could eat a bowl of beanless chili for breakfast the same I could eat bacon and eggs for dinner! Just because it's breakfast doesn't mean you have to eat the american standard for breakfast, but if you must, up until recently here is what I was doing. Bacon, Eggs, Fruit(1oz.) or 8oz of either Simply Orange Juice or Simply Apple Juice, it's 100% and not from concentrate. I always eat my fruit in the morning not that I have a real reason for it other than I want to. Don't let anybody out there fool you either. I don't care what they say there is NO RULE ON WHEN TO EAT FRUIT so stop thinking there is. The only rule there is is how much to eat. 1oz a day for weight loss, but that's only if you're looking to lose weight. Now you're thinking, but you said earlier you did 8oz of Orange or Apple Juice. Well yea I did, but I'm also working out 3-4 days a week. The 1oz is based off of not doing anything. So that was the majority of breakfast, but I fast now and that's a different topic for a different day. Oh one more thing before I move on. I buy nitrate free bacon from Kroger. It's Hormel Natural I think. It's the best bacon I've ever ate and trust me, I've ate a bunch of bacon! Why nitrate free? Ever read the effects that sodium nitrate has on the body? Let me spell it out for you C A N C E R.... Sure you can get cancer from anything but if I can reduce one thing that causes it, shouldn't I? Don't believe me? "Google" "Five Easy Steps To Get Cancer" First thing you'll read is "Consume Food Ingredients That Promote Cancer." Guess what ingredient is at the top? ....(Cool Announcer Voice)Show them what they've won Johnny!! ....I'm guessing you guessed right. If not, end of the line! Kidding! Also from personal experience before I switched to the nitrate free I would always feel "Blah" after eating bacon. Also if you're looking for nitrate free sausage Kroger sells a Bob Evan's All Natural Sausage, but why eat sausage when you can eat bacon! That's pretty much what I did most of the time, but I don't get bored with eating the same stuff.
So on to lunch... To be honest most of my lunches are made up of left overs from dinner and if I don't have left overs my fridge stays stocked with Peppered Smoked Turkey Breast I get from Kroger and I usually eat 4oz - 8oz of that with a handful of Terra vegetable chips(Kroger Organic Section) and guacamole I make to dip the chips in. Then if I'm still hungry I'll eat a handful of almonds or pecans. See that's a simple easy lunch.
Dinner is anything off the list. I use my crock pot a bunch because it makes a bunch, get it? You got it right? Bunch of food equals a bunch of left overs..... Okay, you got it. Plus I have 4 mouths to feed. I either make up my own recipes or get on the "Google" type in what I think sounds good, find the recipe and then modify it to be paleo. Which most of the time is pretty easy to do.
"I need a snack!! Ahhhh!!!" Okay, okay, calm down. For a snack and this is pretty much what I do every day. Fresh vegetables and Beef Jerky. If you need me to explain that then Paleo is not for you! From time to time I'll also slap some almond butter on celery. For goodness sakes get the creamy almond butter. I had a bad experience with that "other kind."
So I've gone through the whole run down in my own way of what I eat. I eat the same thing over and over a bunch but I like it and I don't get bored with it. You should try different things though. Here's the biggest thing you need to remember:
Lean Meats
Vegggies(This doesn't mean just eat lettuce. I would avoid lettuce. It does nothing for you)
Healthy Fats(Olive Oil, Organic Butter, Coconut Oil)
Fruits(Limit to 1oz if weight loss is a goal)
Nuts(Limit to a handful once or twice a day if weight loss is a goal. No peanuts! Get nuts that are unsalted or sea salted)
Basically ....here's the way I look at it most of the time. It has to have a soul and it had to be alive. Mashed taters in a box ain't alive, ya heard?
If you don't have a bunch of time for meals then here's what I suggest. Get some meat. Through it in a skillet with some coconut oil on medium heat, cook about 5 min per side, through in your veggies with the meat and cover it until the veggies are soft. Just keep it simple. It's only as hard as you make it. Also when you're hungry eat. There's no counting calories. If you're hungry it's your body's way of telling you, "Hey jack wagon I'm out of energy here."
Below is Quick Start guide from The Paleo Solution:
You need a food list? Click the link holmes:
This is not hard guys. Just read the guide and the food list and when you go out to eat at a restaurant order stuff that is on the list. If you need any help with anything just let me know. I'm always down for sharing recipes and pointing you in the right direction for some. The internet is the biggest tool you can use to survive your first week on Paleo. You'll get to know "Google" well I'm sure. Of course "Yahoo" keeps calling me leaving messages on my machine telling me she wants her baby back. No!
I hope some of this crap that I blogged about today, rather quickly I might add as I'm pressed for time, makes sense to you. If not catch me at the gym or have me go to the store with you I don't care. I want to see each and every person become healthier and succeed. Before I forget I do a cheat day every 30 days usually, but only cheat on one meal. For those of you who don't think Paleo works.... Tell that to a guy who has lost 33lbs in 2 1/2 months. Aww snap!!
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