Thursday, December 1, 2011

Back to Basics....

I read an interesting blog on "Mark's Daily Apple" this morning about the 80/20 rule. After reading it I let it sink in like a spaghetti sauce stain on a white t-shirt, the kind of stain you can't get out, before even attempting to let my mind put the first thought in to this blog.

I've never read "The Primal Blueprint" but that day is coming soon as I constantly follow Mark's Daily Apple. I had heard and read plenty about the 80/20 rule and after reading the PSKC blog last night I started questioning myself also. So what's a guy to do but pull out the iPhone and read, read, read, in hopes to get his MoJo back.

First I want to say I've been slacking here lately. Not necessarily with my food choices, but over the past month I've drank a little to much Yuengling. Okay, a bunch .....guilty as charged! I've tried to convince myself that it's okay, but after last night's blog, Dale was right ....Man The F@$K Up! If I want this to work I can't make excuses any longer! I mean when it comes fown to brass tax how can I encourage Primal/Paleo to other individuals or give them advice on it if I don't practice what I preach?

Mark made it perfectly clear to me why, when he said this:

"If you set out to make your Primal commitment 80%, guess what? It will likely fall below that. If you set out to make your commitment 100% you will find yourself somewhere in the 80-95%."

He's absolutely right, you know?! When I workout in the gym I feel like I gave 100% and I can leave knowing that. Sure you're going to have that day when it might not reflect 100% but if you truly feel it than you did. So why should it be so hard to do the same with our eating habits? (Insert your reason here).

Starting tomorrow I'm committing myself again. Not that I've failed on Primal/Paleo but I've definitely slacked. I bought into the 80/20 rule. I began to find convenience .....I found it to convenient to buy Terra chips(Which I had no idea what kind of crap these things contained, read the ingredients) to go with lunch instead of steaming some vegetables, I've found myself reaching more for that diet pop than water, I've also slacked on my fish oil and L-Carnitine, and last but not least(This one's for you Wifey) I've slacked on responsibilities I have as a husband and father to my family. You're probably thinking, "That last statement has nothing to do with diet." Oh but it does young Padawan....
When you make your spouse stressed, you get stressed, which leads to bad choices via food or booze. As Dale would put it ....No Buenos Amigos.

However, I am damn proud of myself that I can admit my faults and know that I have the will inside myself to make that change! I just need to remind myself of that in order to turn the negatives into positives .....the mistakes you can fix. I've said it before but one of the greatest quotes I think back to when I know I made mistakes and get to feeling bad about them is from the movie Batman.....

"Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up."

I knew I could always count on Bruce Wayne!

If you've fallen off the horse do just that, pick yourself up, dust the dirt off, pull your belt tight, take a deep breath, and climb back up on that f&@k. You're in control of the reins!!

There's 10 rules to the Primal Blueprint. Take a second, think about it, then answer truthfully to yourself.

1. Are you eating lots of plants and animals?
2. Are you avoiding poisonous things?
3. Are you moving frequently at a slow pace?
4. Are you lifting heavy things?
5. Are you sprinting every once in a while?
6. Are you getting adequate sleep?
7. All work no play?
8. Are you getting adequate sunlight?
9. Are you avoiding stupid mistakes?
10. The most important rule ....Are you using your brain?

I could answer questions 1, 2, 4, and 5 with a yes. I've got a bunch of work to do and that's okay because I'm sure I'm not alone.

Remember, trying to be 100% in your diet equals 80-95%. Thats the benchmark. The 20% percent isn't there for you to have a cheat day, like I thought it was. It was purposely put there to keep you sane and to be there for the unexpected when Primal just isn't an option.

If you want to read the article, and you really should, click the link. I assure you it would be worth your time.

Stay Strong and Get Back To Basics!!

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