Friday, November 4, 2011

The Women of PSKC

Quick blog post tonight as it's 2245 and I'm due up at 0500 for another day of work. This won't take long, I promise.

Just wanted to say how proud I am of the women of PSKC. Today was the "Day of The Deadlift" catchy title huh? Anyways, the women of PSKC put up some big numbers today and unfortunately I had to hear about it on Facebook because of work, but I'll be damned if I didn't get excited reading about it! Check out these numbers!


These are just some of the PR's that were set today that I know of. That's over 1k pounds that were grabbed, pulled and lifted off the mat today. I'm sure their were plenty of cheers, hugs and high-fives going round the compound after today. Damn I wish I could have seen it! There is nothing more better and humbling than working beside a woman who just absolutely murders a WOD, it makes you work harder! These women today who have been busting their ass showed what hard work and dedication can do. It makes them shine. There is no doubt in my mind that the COURAGE dog ate the FEAR dog today. I can't go on to say how proud I am of each and every last one of them. You girls are definitely inspiring and today you put some positivity in my life by doing what you do. There's a saying the women have at PSKC, "Strong is the new skinny!" and you can bet your last dollar there was a whole lot of skinny going on in the compound today. Nice work ladies! I'd go to battle with you any day!!

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