Friday, October 28, 2011

Finding Strength Through Family

"I should have stayed home!" That was my first thought this morning when I walked in through the doors of PSKC and saw the infamous whiteboard. Today's workout titled "Lactic Acid."For those of you who endured this "brutality" did it suck as bad as I thought it did? I thought so. If you missed today's workout here is the fun you missed:

5 Rounds of Each Exercise(30 work, 30 hold/rack, 30 rest)
1. Pushups/Plank/Rest
2. Front Squat/Hold In Rack Position/Rest (RX 95/65)
3. Flutter Kicks/Hold/Rest
4. Burpee Pull-ups/Dead Hang
5. Push Press/Hold In Overhead Lockout (RX 95/65)

See all the fun you missed? If you didn't make it you missed some kick-ass sweat angels!

When I'm going through workouts like this and feeling the weight and reps beginning to take it's toll on me and "The Wizard" creeping up on my back this is when I'm at my best. I know you're probably sitting there right now saying to yourself, "Seriously Grizz? Come on?" but it's true! Why? Simple, I FIND STRENGTH THROUGH FAMILY.... Today I was reminded how important family is when I wanted to drop my legs to the floor after that third round of flutter kicks, when I had to lockout 65lbs above my head and hold it for 30 seconds and when I was dead hanging for my life like Sylvester Stallone in Cliffhanger. Awesome movie by the way! The best part about all of this is I couldn't have made it without thinking about my wife and kids or hearing people who are right there beside me holding or locking out saying, "Fight bro, keep it up, hold on, don't give in!" It doesn't end there though. That's what I love about PSKC. The family that we've all created for ourselves by bonding with one another day in and day out stretches far beyond the compound walls. Just let me give you an example. Here is a message I got from an individual this evening hours after the workout while I was having dinner with my family.

"Hey dude! I just want to tell you that you have been absolutely kicking ass at the gym! I've been thinking about your post you made earlier this week and the recent blog. It seriously tore me up! It has made me want to eat better and try harder. It's not supposed to be this way either.... You would think I would find inspiration from people that have been there for a year, the way you did with Troy. I just couldn't get it off my mind and I really wanted to share it with you and tell you that you're killing it! You make me want to do so much more and do it even better!"

See what I mean about family? That's the perfect example of family. They're there to pick you up, cheer you on, stand beside you in your weakest moments to help you succeed. I just want you to make me a promise and it's easy to keep. The next time you see someone struggling with a rep, fighting off the wizard, or absolutely slaughtering a workout ....cheer them on! Keep them going at the gym and away from it. I know most of you are Facebook and it doesn't take much to send a positive comment to someone. Just be that family we all want and need! Can't wait to see you guys soon. Hope you enjoyed my thoughts for the day and I only hope I can be there for you when you need it most. Also to the individual who sent me this message, you continue to inspire and push me through when I feel my shittiest. I'm glad that YOU inspire me to work harder. You are definitely family to me.

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